Welcome to your unforgettable couple photo shoot

Welcome to Philipp Blickfang - Your partner for emotional couples' photoshoots. Dive into the world of love and emotions that I capture in every picture. My focus is to preserve your unique connection in beautiful images.


Emotional Couples Photoshoot and Videography: Lovingly Crafted Memories

My passion is to express your love through professional photography and videography. In my couples' photoshoot, it's all about your emotions and the special moments that make your relationship unique.

From atmospheric shots to creative compositions, I craft every image with dedication to tell your story.


Love in Focus: Your Unforgettable Couples Photoshoot and Videography

Experience the magic of love in every picture. My experienced team understands the art of capturing moments of affection and intimacy. Every touch, every gaze, and every smile will become precious memories that will last forever. Let's tell your story together and capture your love in pictures and videos.

Pärchenfotografie Wien


Your love, our professional photography

Your couples' photoshoot at Philipp Blickfang is a journey into the world of love. My captures are not just pictures; they are expressions of emotions and connection. Each photo tells your story, each image encapsulates your love. Let's create memories together that will last a lifetime.

Couple Photoshoot Images


Our availability

My couples' photoshoot and videography service is available in various regions. I look forward to welcoming you in the following areas:

– Vienna: Discover the romantic backdrop of the capital and have your love captured in breathtaking pictures.

– Burgenland: Experience the picturesque landscapes of Burgenland and capture your connection in unique photos.

– Lower Austria: The diverse locations in Lower Austria offer the perfect backdrop for your couple photo shoot.


Our offer for unforgettable couple photos

Enjoy a relaxed photoshoot session with me, whether it's during a romantic stroll or within the familiar walls of your home. This special experience is offered at a price of €270, which already includes professional editing of the best images. I place great emphasis on generosity – therefore, you will receive a generous number of pictures that you can download via a link. This way, you can use them as often as you'd like.

My passion is to immortalize your love in authentic pictures. No matter which of these regions you are in, I am here to capture your unique connection in emotional photos. Contact me today to plan your romantic couples' photoshoot.


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